Plessislaer Arya Samaj

Plessislaer Arya Samaj


Charitable Initiatives successfully completed by the Plessislaer Arya Samaj Youth Group

Winter Warmth Campaign


A Winter Warmth project initiated by Shreya Chedie, Shruthi Chedie and Bhavna Samlal and overseen by Nishwan Bundhoo led to a massive collection and distribution of blankets to those in need. A large portion of the collection was distributed to the residents of the Aryan Benevolent Society, by the youth of the Plessislaer Arya Samaj.

Grocery hampers and meal drive


The arrival of Covid-19 and the subsequent lock- down led to many families in our community needing assistance with basic groceries.  Once again our youth embarked on a food drive to collect non-perishable food items. Grocery hampers were distributed on a monthly basis to needy families.


Due to the dwindling economy and a decline in sponsorship, the distribution of grocery hampers ceased, however, meals were cooked, packaged and delivered to the needy families on a monthly basis. This project was headed by Nesh Jadoo who is currently the Seva Project Co-ordinater and assistant treasurer. 

SPCA Fundraiser


The PAS youth group had by now grown quite substantially. This dynamic group embarked on several projects during this time,  most notably, a fundraiser for the SPCA. This project was initiated by Bhavna Samlal and fully supported by all members of PAS. For this project, cash, pet food and bedding was collected and delivered to the SPCA by the youth and their mentors.

Drugs & Substance abuse Awareness Campaign


A drug and substance abuse awareness campaign was held in June 2023 to commemorate Youth Day. This campaign was initiated by PAS youth and led by Constable JD Singh from PAS who is also a member of the Hawks, together with a team from SAPS, an eye-opening presentation was delivered to our Samaj members and invited Youth from the community. 

CHOC Fundraiser


The PAS youth thereafter embarked on a fundraiser for CHOC which included hosting a cake sale, a food sale and selling of knitted beanies which they sold at a Cansa flea market. Over R6000 was raised for this fundraiser. A representative from CHOC Ms Cleo Sosibo was invited for tea by our youth and a cheque was handed to her. During this period, several youth members led by Nishka Ramsaran and mentored by Mr Nesh Jadoo  collected, sorted and delivered pre-loved clothing items to Hospice Pmb.

Several prominent members of society such as, Dr Rekha Mohan and Mr Pete Jugmohan of Hospice were invited to PAS to witness and participate in the various undertakings of our youth. 

2023 Diwali Float Parade

PAS youth participated in the annual  Diwali Float parade in October 2023. Although this event coincided with year end examination preparation,  our dedicated youth worked tirelessly on this project and were declared the winners out of 16 entries!

Hosting Senior Citizens

The final project for 2023 was in October when PAS youth invited elderly members of the Aryan Benevolent Society to a Diwali celebration at our Samaj. Our beloved seniors  were treated to a scrumptious breakfast, entertainment,  hearty lunch and  beautiful personalized gifts.

Hope for Ahana

Ahana Dhanuk, a 20-month-old toddler, is battling stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer. Despite a 30% initial survival rate, the risk of relapse is high, and the survival rate drops to less than 5% if the cancer returns. Ahana's family has identified a vaccine trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York which offers hope to prevent relapse. The trial costs GBP 300,000 (R7,254,030.00) and the family urgently needs funds to cover the 156-week treatment, including travel, ICU stays, medication, and the groundbreaking vaccine. 

Fundraising Initiative for Ahana Dhanuk by the Plessislaer Arya Samaj Youth Group.

As soon as the PAS youth group became aware of the plight of little Ahana Dhanuk, they approached the PAS Executive Committee requesting to coordinate a fundraising initiative to help raise funds which would enable her access to a lifesaving trial vaccine available only in New York. With permission from the Exco the youth members then got to work...

  • Donation boxes were placed at our Samaj. Samaj members, community members and event attendees were all encouraged to generously donate.
  • Raffle sheets were drawn up and a beautiful sari was offered as the prize.
  • A Nagara Night was organized in under 2 weeks! It featured Durban based groups: Geet Sangeeth and Savera Eastern Band Nagara Group as well as the Phoenix Dance Company. The PAS youth together with Samaj members worked tirelessly to put together this very successful sold-out event! Our amazing community wholeheartedly supported this initiative. Read the vote of thanks here.